The Penable Award 2020

The Penable Award 2020!!

I’ve been nominated for The Penable Award 2020! Time for me to post my take on it and pass the torch to others – let’s start!


1. Tag your post with the #penableaward

2. Display the Penable award logo (above) on your post and follow Penable if you haven’t already

3. Thank the person that nominated you

4. Tell us what your writing talent is

5. Answer three questions that you have been asked

6. Nominate three inspiring people for this award

7. Let them know of their nomination

8. Give them three new questions to answer!

My nominator is lovely Princess from The Mindful Modus – an incredibly inspiring and thoughtful blog that focuses on a careful approach to self care. What I personally enjoy the most about The Mindful Modus is how Princess discusses complex things in a simple (but not simplistic) way. Truly recommend you check it out!

✍️ My Writing Talent ✍️

I stick to the point. I can also quite easily adopt different writing styles.

Questions for the Nominees:

1. Which of your blog posts is your favorite?

I like everything I post, otherwise I wouldn’t press that ‘publish’ button. If I’d absolutely have to choose, I’d say my favorite posts are my Monthly Movie Recap posts because I adore cinema!

My latest Monthly Movie Recap post and links to all the previous ones:

Monthly Movie Recap: June 2020 

Monthly Movie Recap: May 2020 

Monthly Movie Recap: April 2020 

Monthly Movie Recap: March 2020 

Monthly Movie Recap: February 2020 

2. What does creativity mean to you?

To me, creativity means the inspiration to absorb information in all its forms and then producing something as a result of this experience. In a breader sense, creativity is life itself because I believe that’s what human life is about – creating something new through the sheer will and curiosity, evolving, developing. Creative endeavors can happen rarely or every day – it doesn’t matter, same as the form that the creativity takes. Creativity can mean inventing a new productivity optimization process that saves millions of dollars or it can mean adding a new spice to the stew. What matters is the desire to create. I don’t want to even imagine life without creativity because it would be something out of the ‘Equilibrium’ movie (awesome movie, btw) – stale, lifeless, deteriorating, averse to the inventiveness of the human nature itself.

3. What is the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?

Wow, good question! The most spontaneous things I’ve ever done refer to my private life, so I won’t reveal them, however I can share the next best thing – my first red lipstick purchase. At the time, I owned almost no makeup at all (besides a lip gloss and one foundation), but went to a store one day and just bought a red liquid lipstick. It might seem like a small, insignificant thing, but to me it was really thrilling because it was the moment when I discovered my passion for makeup overall. That lipstick was Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet in the shade #3 Hot Pepper and it was actually around the time this lipstick line was launched. I still have it (not that exact one – I repurchased it) and adore it. To this day, this is my favorite liquid lipstick line.

My Nominees ❤️

A Spoonie’s Makeup Bag


Retro Dee

There are blogs which I always go to whenever I want to feel inspired, learn something new, and simply get a daily dose of aesthetic and intellectual delight. I admire the amazingly creative ladies behind these three blogs that put their soul into every post and made me experience the sense of wonder every time I visit any of these three blogs. I nominate these blogs because the love of these authors for what they do is palpable and their blogs are creativity incarnate. My dear Nominees, I truly hope you’ll participate 💕💕💕

My Questions for the Nominees:

  1. Where do you draw the inspiration for writing?
  2. Is there a book or story that you’ve read and thought to yourself ‘I wish I could write like this’?
  3. What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

That’s my take on the Penable Award.

Whoever and wherever you are reading this, wishing you a splendid day! Thank you for stopping by my blog ❤️

See you in my next post,


Thank you so much for taking the time to read. I write about beauty, fragrances, and occasionally movies. Follow my blog to receive notifications if you feel so inclined – I’d really appreciate it ❤️

Author: Alexandra

Passionate researcher and writer. Coffee maniac. Pilates enthusiast. Makeup and skincare junkie. Occasionally - movie and book reviewer. Come join me on my quest!

11 thoughts on “The Penable Award 2020”

  1. You deserve this Alexandra! Ooh! I don’t think I can ever pull of a red lipstick. To me, it’s confidence and self-love right there, lessons that I’m still learning. ❤️ Thank you so much for the kind words about my blog, please know that you’re among the first inspirations I have in this blogging world! Lovelots! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank once again for the nomination! Took me a while to do this Award, but I enjoyed it a lot nonetheless!
      Oh I’m a firm believer that every woman can wear red lipstick! I devoted a whole post to this topic
      In my opinion, putting red lipstick on is a confidence boost in and of itself, but I wear it just because it suits me (I’ve found the perfect shades for me).
      Sending lots of love ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I feel conscious when I wear pigmented colors on my lips! Hope I can get past this and be able to wear reds, maybe in the future. Thank you so much for the kind words! Have a great day! ❤️

        Liked by 1 person

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